Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strange Fangs is Up and Running, Chapters 1 and 2

Today I received word from JukePop that my serial vampire novel, Strange Fangs, is up at the website. 
You can find it here:

To read what's on the site, you need to complete registration. It's free and gives you the chance to read lots of new fiction by new authors. You can leave comments and support your favorites both with +votes and monetarily if you so choose.

As it is, my story will be up for the next month. On April first, the NaNoWriMo contest that Strange Fangs is a part of ends. With that ending, the writers of the top 3 stories (judged by number of votes alone) get cash prizes.

Being that most writers on the site participating in this thing have had their stories up since January and the top three voting scores are in the triple digits, I am unlikely to win this specific contest. Hopefully, after the contest, JukePop will continue to publish my work and it will gain enough popularity to really mean something.

We'll see.

We're still a bit shaken up about the crazy stuff going on in my mom's neck of the woods. We're all saying our prayers and hoping for the best.

It's all I can think of to do.

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