We'll start with good news. Chapter 5 of Strange Fangs is now up and running at JukePop. Go over there, read it, and if you like it, Vote it to let me know.
On to something more somber:
Yesterday marked the 3 year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that so devastated the area where I live. This year, when the siren went off to remind us that it was 2:46PM, the same time as the Magnitude 9 quake, I was walking with a former student after a day of pizza and conversation. We stopped and took a moment to think on how much life had changed for us. For me, it was a whole different world.
In March of 2011, I was soon to be engaged, soon to be living away from my in-laws, soon to be wedding planning. I was teaching semi-full-time in Sendai. I had never really explored Shiogama. I talked to one of my friends once a week and my mother too. I would play WoW on the weekends with my brother. Life was simpler in a lot of ways.
Now, we've had the wedding and been married for a couple of years. We spent 2013 going through a tricky pregnancy that led to the most gorgeous and amazing tiny human. She's so smart. I didn't know I could love anything or anyone as much as I love her.
Now I am a housewife/writer and sometimes, occasionally, almost a teacher. To my own surprise, I kinda like it. Part of me wants to rail against this, complain about the inequality and sexism in Japan (it is rampant and awful, don't get me wrong) but for me personally this was actually the right choice. Taking off a few years to take care of my baby is just an idea that works for me. We're lucky to have that option.
Now my brother and I actually talk on the weekend and everyday I have someone to talk to somewhere in the world. I've even managed to make friends within Shiogama! And I have slowly but surely begun to explore.
Three years ago, 30,000 people left this planet in one terrifying event. I wish for peace. Peace for their souls and for those of their families. Peace for the loved ones left behind. Peace for those out here who will never know exactly what happened to the ones they love but only that they can never see them again. I wish them all peace healing and love.
But now my baby is crying, and I must return to the present.
Peace and love to you all.
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