Monday, July 11, 2016

How to Change the World/Clean My Dirty House

Sorry for the whining of last post.
I've been wadding in this pool of funk for a little bit, and I have decided to try harder to get the hell out of it, and I am doing it the same way I clean my house and the same way we will change the world.

One little act at a time.

I'm exhausted and depression kills and I don't want it but sometimes that's just how it is. The way I can get out of it when I'm not in too deep yet is start trying to take care of myself in the same way I would a troubled friend. It helps more than it should.

My house is in awful condition and if there were a mafia of Japanese housewives patrolling to make sure everyone was up to snuff, I'd already be sleeping with the fishes. The place is a wreck and to such a degree that I cannot even see myself getting it done. So, when I save up enough energy, I clean one thing or another for fifteen minutes. Then I go do something else and come back to do another 15 minutes in an hour or so. If I had the energy and focus to do this every hour, my house would be clean in 2 days, but even just a couple of 15 minute intervals a day makes a difference.

And the way we will change the world is the same. Simple actions. One word at a time. There are a lot of things that need to change and it seems impossible, but we will change them. One day at a time. Do what you can to work toward your solution. When you've exhausted yourself or your options for the time being, rest. Try again when the opportunity arises.
I know this doesn't work on all problems, but for a lot of them, it does.

It's also good to have hope and be brave, but when those don't apply, do what you can and rest.

In action:
Last night, I let myself get some sleep despite the fact that my husband had to stay at work overnight and I don't usually sleep those nights, but it was the best thing to do for self preservation.
I had also worked at putting all the clothes I bought to sell on eBay online to sell somewhere else since there's some weird hitch in eBay's ability to deal with me as a seller.
I also cleaned the kitchen floor (after spilling a bunch of un-popped popcorn all over it) and the wall nearest my stove, where the off-cast splatter from 5 years of hastily prepared meals had lingered and bugged the crap out of me. Now it's gone. One thing at a time.

This morning I awoke to find a buyer lined up for the most expensive article in my stash-for-sale. I also awoke capable, thanks to the sleep, and could not only talk to my mom while getting some breakfast into my daughter as well as myself, but also I had what it took to walk across the town for Julia's music lesson, which was the best it has ever been.

One thing at a time.

Now I am in such a better mental place than I was yesterday and I am going to get the rest of this stuff sold and I am going to get this house cleaned and it's all going to be okay.

So, if there's something you can do to make things better, do it, even if it's only a little at a time.

I wish I could flip a switch and make the world a better place. I wish there were such a simple means to that end. The best I have is this. Do what you can. One thing at a time.

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