Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy 8 year Japan-iversary to me!

Eight years ago today, I landed in Nagoya and started an adventure of un-know-able proportions.

There have been some great times, and some crap. All in all, I am glad for my time abroad and my chance to live the life I live now.

Today, I make a lot less money than I did before I left Texas, but I write a lot more. I weigh significantly more and consider myself a lot less "hot", but I am a lot more emotionally healthy and actually like me.
Pluses, minuses, and all else, I am calling it a win. I've made and kept some great friends and have closer relationships with my family than I thought I  would.

Life is good.

Today my husband had the day off so we celebrated with my (slightly burned) pancakes and lots of Netflix.
Tomorrow, he goes back to work and we go back to trying to get some stuff done around here. We'll see.

It's all going to be okay. Really it is.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your Japanniversary!

    Glad that it is a "win" for you! Money isn't everything (although it is nice to have) but being emotionally healthy and liking yourself are all excellent things.

    Here's to the next eight(y?) years ;-)
